

Efficient and dependable Class II Correction

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The Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device guides the jaw growth of children, which can prevent severe overbites, making teeth fit better, and maybe even keep them from having to have jaw surgery.


To start treatment with your Forsus device, you will only need one visit and no more lab work. Because the device pushes your jaw and teeth into place with a steady, gentle push, you don’t have to make any changes every day.


Unlike other Class II corrective appliances, the Forsus appliance has a low profile and does not curve into the cheek. You will be able to talk and eat more often because you will be moving around more. The most important thing to know about Forsus is that it doesn’t need any extra gear (headgear). No one will see it because it’s in the back of your mouth.


The open coil spring is made to be easy to clean and doesn’t have any holes where food could get stuck. You won’t have to worry about cleaning around a big device when you brush and floss your teeth. When using an orthodontic device, you should avoid hard and sticky foods, just like you would with any other dental device.


You don’t have to do anything to make the Forsus appliance work because its force is always there. Even while you sleep, the Forsus device moves your upper and lower jaws into the right place. As long as your braces and wires work with the device, you won’t have to change your treatment plan.

If you want to find out more about the Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device, please get in touch with our office.

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